Pre-approval is based upon known credit history or data supplied when applying for a credit card. An offer for a pre-approved credit card may be subject to a credit report review to ensure no changes have occurred which might void the pre-approved credit card offer. Rather than mailing credit card offers to everyone with an address, banks target mailings towards consumers who are more likely to respond, qualify for the card, and become profitable customers. When preparing for a mail solicitation campaign, a card issuer may send a set of minimum standards to one of the credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, or Trans Union), and request a list of consumers whose credit reports meet the qualifications. The bank may send a list of consumers obtained elsewhere (e.g. from a marketing database company) and have the bureau return a subgroup that matches the criteria. "Pre-approved" offers are then sent to everyone on the list. mobile app development company If you have a copy of your cr
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